Wednesday, August 13, 2008


hey guys! this is (once again)guest blogger, jiayi here. yes. i am BACK! for now anyway. so while A.Choo is out swimming somewhere and HeyD is at home sniffing and feeling all sorry for herself[i mean i feel sorry for her too, yes i do, but still!] and numerous people around Singapore sitting/lying/standing/squatting/flying? around their house studying for the H2 econs test tmr, i am currently on my bed with Junior typing this out full-stop

so.. let me see... what the heck happened today... oh right. nothing. but something DID happen on Tuesday! but its just as what A.Choo has described in the previous post[please do refer. i'm featured in it.], although highly exaggerated and not quite as unglam as it sounds. i was merely resting my eyes as the whole hall was practically shimmering in gold lights and the rays hurt my eyes... so i just had to shut it for a little while contrary to what A.Choo terms as 'head drooping periodically'. yes. so not true at all.

and damn those knee length stockings! positively hate them to the core. my legs are so much smoother without them and doesnt need the absolutely fake shimmering effect that the stockings give.

i am not weird.

btw, what DOES A.Choo wear to sleep every night?? no pants? could it be a skirt? or... could it be boxers? or perhaps nothing at all!!

today something most unexpected happened. my mum found my Bob the Builder bottle!! this is how the conversation goes:

Mum: Where did you get this bottle?
Jiayi: Its mine. i bought it.
Mum: what are you? a baby?? its a baby's bottle!
Jiayi: no. its not coz i bought it and i'm not a baby!
Mum: how do you open it?[tries various ways but failed while i watched in amusement]
Jiayi: Turn it. TURN IT!! I SAID TURN IT!! no the other way.
Mum: Oh. why didnt you say so?

All in all, today was SUCH an awesome day. whoopee..

back to costs of productions.

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