Friday, August 22, 2008

Last Friday, instead of getting off at my usual stop after ngee ann poly I decided to get off at Sunset way instead and change bus there. But....I happened to forget I had already changed bus and got off at the ngee ann one again!
To top it off, there was this woman on the bus who asked me if this bus goes shell opp bt plaza. Thinkin I was on 74 still, I told her no, it turns. So she got off with me and walked there! It's a rather long distance for one bus stop too.(The bus actually does go there, I just thought I was on a different busss.
I got off happily at the bus stop, then a few seconds later went shit.

Oh oh, there was another time I forgot I was on 74 and had to get off and change, so I missed my stop altogether...

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