Wednesday, August 13, 2008

DEAD SURE Chapter 1

hello! me and heidy, possibly A.Choo but not sure if we trust her in this, have come up with a BRILLIANT idea! ok, here it goes. we're gonna write a story in this very blog. this is gonna be so great. ok i'll start!

DEAD SURE Chapter 1

"Hey Katie, you're up next!"

"Alright, I'm coming!" Katie put on the final touches of powder on her face and pursed her lips before heading out of the dressing room. She sashayed out onto the stage and flashed a smile at the audience. Instantaeously, all eyes were on her as she coolly traced her fingers down the icy-cold pole in the middle of the stage, all the while maintaining eye contact with the men in tight suits and shiny leather shoes lusting for her, for they are the ones she was targetting. As she began her performance, a man wearing a hood and shades entered the bar and sat himself in a distant corner, watching her.

Author's Note[A.N.]: I'm so rusty!! ok a short intro since i already like posted TWICE today!!

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