In a distant country called Japan, a teenage High School boy, Haru, was eagerly anticipating the results of his entrance test to the top University in Tokyo. For the past several months, he had been spending all his time in the library, pouring over piles of books and papers for his goal was to enter medical school in the best University in Tokyo.
Tension gripped his heart as he scanned the list of names of successful candidates on the wall. Finally, his hard work had paid off as he whooped in joy upon locating his name on the list, he had made it into medical school. Haru looked around and saw a boy who was dejectedly standing in front of the wall, like some lifeless creature. Haru approached him and found out that the boy did not pass the entrance exam, thus could not enter the University. Attempting to encourage him, Haru said,"Don't worry,Ren. You're sure to pass the exams next year if you try hard enough! Don't give up!"
As such, Haru went on to medical school and was as diligent in his work and research. The following year, he remembered his friend, Ren and went to check if he had passed his entrance exam. He found him in front of the same wall staring unseeingly at the list of successful candidates. Once again, he failed to pass the examinations. Haru could not bear to see his friend so utterly devastated that he encouraged him to try again next year.
Sadly, history repeated itself for the next 4 years whereby Ren did not pass the entrance examinations and Haru met up with him on that same day every year, hoping that he could be studying in the same school as him but the results disappointed him each time.
However, one year when Haru went to meet up with Ren in front of the wall, Ren did not appear. Ren probably gave up on trying to enter this University, after all, he did try for six years, was what Haru thought to himself.
Haru donned his pristine while coat, slapped on his surgical gloves and put on his mask before he entered a dim room with a metal table in the middle of it. One by one and similarly clothed, his classmates entered the room while the professor busied himself with preparations for the lesson. "Alright class, today we're doing a disection on an actual human body to observe the anatomy of the human body. Enjoy!" The professor gave a smirk and proceeded to open a metal cardboard at the corner of the room. He lugged a long dark-coloured bag onto the table with the help of some students and snapped on the overhead lights, illuminating the metal table. Without further ado, he unzipped the bag to reveal the body.
Haru's eyes widened in shock and his body froze as he peered into the rigid face of his friend. Never had he expected that Ren would committed suicide by jumping to his death from the top of the tallest building in the school compound and wrote in his will that his body was to be donated to the medical school.
At long last, Ren made it into the school of his choice.
A.N.): random side story. About Pol the Dog: I wanted it to be some random light-hearted children story with perhaps possibly a happy ending, but it turned out to be kinda morbid, even the 'happy' ending is sort of warped. oh well):
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