Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Choo & Berns

My fellow choo was really funny today, haha. Today we went for the PM Kevin Rudd lecture, then then, choo wore the just over knee stockings, then coz she had nothing to fasten it with it kept dropping down, haha. It was damn ugly and funnyy. And then finally when we got into the hall thingy she just took it off completely and went barefoot for a bit. And she kept falling asleep during the lectureee. Her head was like dropping periodically, and she ate mentos too( I had one). And when we were walking down the slope from the hotel she walked really weirdly because her court shoes were too big for her. ahh, chooo!

On Mon slept over at Bern's place, and I didnt have my stuff with me so I had to borrow her bob dog pyjamas pants, haven't worn pants to sleep for ages. And the next morning went back to my place and she wore her bob dog pj top out!

Last Friday i fell down in a stupid manner and my right butt still hurts when i sit down on hard chairs, lol. So i have to lean to the left.

In class, Lydia said her mum ordered kfc, then she patted her chest as she said breast meat please, then the guy also patted his chest and said ok! haha.

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