Sunday, February 10, 2008


I realised something really really horrendous five seconds ago. So far this heidy-amanda joint blog have six entries in total
3: Choo Jia Yi (a random blog crasher who refuses to post in her own blog for stranger-than-alien reasons)
2(excluding this post): Heidy
1: Amanda

How can this be??? A guest-blogger contributing to this blog more than the "owners" of this blog. It doesn't help tat there're TWO "owners" of this blog either. Oh maaann... But hey, with this new post, I'm on par with JY.

Now that CNY holidays are over, I've got nothing to look forward for school anymore. Oh but wait! There's cross country and Orientation 2!!!!!!! Wheeeeeeee but then, after that I would have nothing to look forward to! Oh no!
I've got a headache now but I'm still whopping Shaun at Minesweeper Flags. Yeahhh I'm good =)

Something funny just happened when Jiayi was complaining about having to write Zuowen in class tomorrow:

[R]efrigerator says (22:46):
and we arent allowed to bring our zuowen homeee
[R]efrigerator says (22:46):
but at least michael is in my class
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )|( SERES says (22:48):
what's the link?
[R]efrigerator says (22:52):
coz then i wont have any pressure!

*Nods* Darn it, wish I had Michael in my chinese class too. =) Having Amanda in my class wouldn't be too bad either. Hehehe (Please don't kill me)

Okay, that's all. I need more holidays =>

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