Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I'm currently at Amanda's house, using Amanda's tablet while lying on Amanda's couch. Wheee... I'm a couch potato. Amanda's msn is on now. I feel a strong urge to talk to random people on her friends list and ruin whatever reputation she has. Hahaha. Just had an OG party to celebrate Eugene, Yibei and Qiaowen's birthdays at Amanda's house =) AWWWW I'm still the oldest in the group >< Even though Stacey, Chenyu and I reached Amanda's house pretty late (around 8 i think)... I still had fun. Yay I managed to eat two slices of pizza. We should really have a proper outing someday where EEEEEVVEEERRYYYOONNEEEEE can attend =D Oh and I still think Angel (amanda's doggie) is closer to me than Justin. I mean... DUH who wouldn't be =P I'm really thirsty now and the only thing I'm drinking at the moment is H2O. Angel's sleeping on the carpet below me, I hope I don't step on her.

Choo Jia Yi go get your google account soon! Hahahhahahah crashing other people's blog like that, you're horrible!

Amanda says:
--Amanda's current mood: sad. Because she was the one taking photos so she isn't in them--

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