Sunday, February 17, 2008


Valentine's Day was pretty nice coz of the nice cheery atmosphere, and i sorta enjoy seeing people walking around with their flowers and balloons, lol, cheap thrills. On friday, i met avery in the canteen and we saw a pretty sunflower and rose sitting all ALONE, on like the cleaner's cart. Plus the sunflower didn have any water at all. So i thought i wld be a heroine (and join the zeroes on youtube) and save the flower! whee. btw, i thought the sunflower was no one's as the tag was torn u see, no way to return it to it's rightful owner. But then! alas, although the tag was torn, i was later to discover that u could still read the addressee's name and class. -_- And later during chem, mr thong, took the flower and laughed so hard his whole face turned red and repeatedly announced "That's sad, that's sad", because i took a flower that no one gave me. So naturally, the whole class knows too. lol, but i don't think so leh.

Well, this is rather late, but i wanted to thank God for the results he gave me for O's, and say that it wasn't me, but He who is in me.

P.S. If you're wondering about the fate of the flower, I put it back after school. So if the cleaner's cart hasnt moved u might see a dead sunflower and rose at the void deck next to the drink machine closest to canteen.

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