Monday, February 18, 2008

A Miracle!

IDEN's always playing intellectual games. First we started off with taboo. We've sort of mastered the game and got bored with it. So, we moved on to pictionary! There, we learnt to express ourselves with drawings! What a useful skill =) Finally, we're on to the greatest game of all times - Minesweeper Flags.

Over the past few nights, a helpless chap has been challenging me over and over again for MSF. No matter how hard he tried, he could never win against me. But nevertheless, I have to commend him for his courage to pick himself up and cast away his pride to constantly send me challenges for MSF. That brave soul is none other then EUGENE TENG.

That night, we both got 25-25 and it was really nerve-wrecking. But now we realise, that was nothing! Tonight the 25-25 situation kept appearing! And of course I kept winning. UNTIL A MIRACLE HAPPENED! Zomg. He won me! The final score was 27-24. To commemorate his victory, I've been requested to announce the fact that Eugene Teng has (finally) won Heidy Tang at Minesweeper Flags. *clapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclap*

P.S. I've won him 8 times over these past few days. Hehehehehe.

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