Sunday, February 10, 2008

hi i'm jiayi. again. and back from malaysia. ain't you happy? and here to crash amanda and heidy's blog. again. i cant help it really. but the blog is already here all ready for me to blog in. so convenient. i shall say smth about my classmate called michelle chye. she always laughs like this "TEEHEEHEE" so one day i decided to teach her the manly way of laughing which is to open your mouth bigger and laugh. it makes the sound "HAW HAW HAW" instead of "TEEHEEHEE" so when you mix the 2 together it becomes "HEE HAW"! ^^

so i reached malaysia on tuesday at about 9pm and we went for dinner. the next day wasn't very eventful. really. except when i went downstairs and there was a table full of food like roast duck, chicken, fish, prawns, noodles, soup, wine, vegetables.... to offer to our ancestors i think. and my mother was standing by the food and fanning away the flies with a piece of magazine. so i was there looking at the food, deciding exactly which piece i was going to eat later and what i would do to the person who tries to eat my food, my mother handed me the magazine and walked away to sit down. and my face was like wth? i know because my cousin laughed at me): i had to stand there and look in agony at the food while chasing away the flies. so i took it out on the flies until they wouldnt come within 10 metres radius of me. this continued until they took away the food and put it on the dining table for us to eat. and i was stationed there again coz the flies all recognise me now.

had reunion dinner and the next day was chu yi. me being buddhist went to a buddhist temple. i like buddhist temples. its so modern sometimes. this one has aircon. it was SO hot that if the temple needed flames to light up their joss sticks, i can probably use my glasses to focus the intense sunlight onto a piece of money paper and start a fire. only i didn't wear my specs. but i'm sure my father would lend me his since its for a good cause. unless the fire went out of hand and cause massive amounts of fumes, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide to rise into the atmosphere, inducing the greenhouse effect and speeding up global warming. polar ice caps would then melt and all the continents would probably be covered by the sea and eventually result in world destruction. whoa.

went to my grandmother's house to take hong bao and then my mother said we're staying for dinner. yayy coz my grandmother cooks nice food. shucks coz the dinner turned out to be leftovers from the reunion dinner last night. i never thought that i'd be eating leftovers in malaysia as well): i swear its my fate. then my mother asked me to try liquor mixed with sprite. i tried and i liked it so i poured more liquor. it made me all warm and fuzzy inside. then i fell asleep on the chair until my mother woke me up to go home.

on chu 2, i watched STUFFS on my cousin's comp until 4am and woke up the next day at 1pm. and watched more STUFFS on my cousin's comp the next night until 4am and woke up at 6am to go home in the car. yay.

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