My life with angel:
Paid $900 to haul her little butt home.
Marred the marble flooring with detergent
because she soiled it, everywhere, from under the bed to behind sofas.
Had a fair share of stepping unawarely into it too.
Brought her on daily walks.
My house smells of her, and
Last of all, bernice and wan mei say i smell like her! Oh nose ):
But i <3 my little doggie.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
A Miracle!
IDEN's always playing intellectual games. First we started off with taboo. We've sort of mastered the game and got bored with it. So, we moved on to pictionary! There, we learnt to express ourselves with drawings! What a useful skill =) Finally, we're on to the greatest game of all times - Minesweeper Flags.
Over the past few nights, a helpless chap has been challenging me over and over again for MSF. No matter how hard he tried, he could never win against me. But nevertheless, I have to commend him for his courage to pick himself up and cast away his pride to constantly send me challenges for MSF. That brave soul is none other then EUGENE TENG.
That night, we both got 25-25 and it was really nerve-wrecking. But now we realise, that was nothing! Tonight the 25-25 situation kept appearing! And of course I kept winning. UNTIL A MIRACLE HAPPENED! Zomg. He won me! The final score was 27-24. To commemorate his victory, I've been requested to announce the fact that Eugene Teng has (finally) won Heidy Tang at Minesweeper Flags. *clapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclap*
P.S. I've won him 8 times over these past few days. Hehehehehe.
Over the past few nights, a helpless chap has been challenging me over and over again for MSF. No matter how hard he tried, he could never win against me. But nevertheless, I have to commend him for his courage to pick himself up and cast away his pride to constantly send me challenges for MSF. That brave soul is none other then EUGENE TENG.
That night, we both got 25-25 and it was really nerve-wrecking. But now we realise, that was nothing! Tonight the 25-25 situation kept appearing! And of course I kept winning. UNTIL A MIRACLE HAPPENED! Zomg. He won me! The final score was 27-24. To commemorate his victory, I've been requested to announce the fact that Eugene Teng has (finally) won Heidy Tang at Minesweeper Flags. *clapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclap*
P.S. I've won him 8 times over these past few days. Hehehehehe.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Valentine's Day was pretty nice coz of the nice cheery atmosphere, and i sorta enjoy seeing people walking around with their flowers and balloons, lol, cheap thrills. On friday, i met avery in the canteen and we saw a pretty sunflower and rose sitting all ALONE, on like the cleaner's cart. Plus the sunflower didn have any water at all. So i thought i wld be a heroine (and join the zeroes on youtube) and save the flower! whee. btw, i thought the sunflower was no one's as the tag was torn u see, no way to return it to it's rightful owner. But then! alas, although the tag was torn, i was later to discover that u could still read the addressee's name and class. -_- And later during chem, mr thong, took the flower and laughed so hard his whole face turned red and repeatedly announced "That's sad, that's sad", because i took a flower that no one gave me. So naturally, the whole class knows too. lol, but i don't think so leh.
Well, this is rather late, but i wanted to thank God for the results he gave me for O's, and say that it wasn't me, but He who is in me.
P.S. If you're wondering about the fate of the flower, I put it back after school. So if the cleaner's cart hasnt moved u might see a dead sunflower and rose at the void deck next to the drink machine closest to canteen.
Well, this is rather late, but i wanted to thank God for the results he gave me for O's, and say that it wasn't me, but He who is in me.
P.S. If you're wondering about the fate of the flower, I put it back after school. So if the cleaner's cart hasnt moved u might see a dead sunflower and rose at the void deck next to the drink machine closest to canteen.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Valentine's was pretty fun I guess. And I managed save lots of money from buying food with all the food I received. Thanks! (= Jingyi really surprised me with the sunflower. Haha, she's the last person I'd ever expect to receive anything from. Don't worry about the note that came with it JY, mushiness does not suit you anyway. =D
I noticed something during Vday. It's mostly girls that give out presents (I'm not included =X) whereas most guys simply receives presents. Haha, I'm not saying it's bad or anything but simply something I noticed. Few may notice but I'm really awkward when I receive gifts because I don't really know how to react. Simply saying 'thanks' sometimes doesn't convey how much I appreciate it but hugging as a way of saying thanks is a little too much. Especially since we're in a co-ed school now. -___-
Last night was really fun. Played lots of games with Eugene on msn, we probably covered around half of the games available? Haha, though Eugene refused to play MinesweeperFlags with me initially (due to receiving traumatic experiences from the last time we played), he finally gave in. If you ask me, I think we had the most fun playing MF!!! For the FIRST time in a long time, someone actually almost beat me. It was sooooo close. We both had 25 mines and there was ONE left. It's nuts but my hands were actually trembling and breaking out in cold sweat X) And the thing is, there were no more possible hints available so it was really based on luck.
This is the pic eugene took. And of course, I won =)
I noticed something during Vday. It's mostly girls that give out presents (I'm not included =X) whereas most guys simply receives presents. Haha, I'm not saying it's bad or anything but simply something I noticed. Few may notice but I'm really awkward when I receive gifts because I don't really know how to react. Simply saying 'thanks' sometimes doesn't convey how much I appreciate it but hugging as a way of saying thanks is a little too much. Especially since we're in a co-ed school now. -___-
Last night was really fun. Played lots of games with Eugene on msn, we probably covered around half of the games available? Haha, though Eugene refused to play MinesweeperFlags with me initially (due to receiving traumatic experiences from the last time we played), he finally gave in. If you ask me, I think we had the most fun playing MF!!! For the FIRST time in a long time, someone actually almost beat me. It was sooooo close. We both had 25 mines and there was ONE left. It's nuts but my hands were actually trembling and breaking out in cold sweat X) And the thing is, there were no more possible hints available so it was really based on luck.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
O Poetic One
HIhi. This was crafted, formulated and developed within a minutes' dog walking time. So keep your hats on and don't complain at my newest invention! wheee.
I know it may not seem,
but Justin must be warm,
for to him, dogs are charm.
Haha. This is in support of my wildly possible theory that people who like dogs, such as myself are warmer people. As compared to people like Heidy THANG and Elliot QUAK, who prefer cats and are thus more aloof people.
Hehe, I'm just joking.
I know it may not seem,
but Justin must be warm,
for to him, dogs are charm.
Haha. This is in support of my wildly possible theory that people who like dogs, such as myself are warmer people. As compared to people like Heidy THANG and Elliot QUAK, who prefer cats and are thus more aloof people.
Hehe, I'm just joking.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
hi. i'm jiayi. WHAT?? 2 posts in a day?? what nonsense is this? anyway, please look at this utmost retarded conversation.
[R]efrigerator says:
[R]efrigerator says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
but your paragraphing
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
first letters
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
do not have capital letters
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
even for new paragraphs.. no capital letters
[R]efrigerator says:
if only new paras got cap letters then its even weirderrr
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
[R]efrigerator says:
[R]efrigerator says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
"went to my grandmother's house .. . . . . . ."
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
i mean
[R]efrigerator says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
"went to my grandmothers"
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
sentences don't start like that!!!
[R]efrigerator says:
informal can!
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
you can't start sentences like that!!!
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
there's no subject!!!
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
there's no subject in that sentence!
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
that sentence is invalid!!!
[R]efrigerator says:
do you want me to put this conversation up onto the blog?
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
hahaha i don't mind!
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
and you use "coz"
[R]efrigerator says:
it looks nice
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
There's no such word in the dictionary!
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
[R]efrigerator says:
yes it is!
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
this is fun
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
=D [writer's note: WTH???]
[R]efrigerator says:
only the dictionary I have has it
[R]efrigerator says:
i can show you if you like
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
what is it. the jiayi dictionary?
[R]efrigerator says:
[R]efrigerator says:
the choojiayi dictionary
[R]efrigerator says:
exclusive only to choojiayi
[R]efrigerator says:
the unique
[R]efrigerator says:
the special
[R]efrigerator says:
the ONE
[R]efrigerator says:
referring to choojiayi not the dictionary
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
ahhahahahaha oh maaaannn
[R]efrigerator says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
[R]efrigerator says:
[R]efrigerator says:
i'll show you!
writer's note: and till this day, i still refuse to start with capital letter at the start of a sentence, neither am i inclined to use BECAUSE instead of COZ. why? COZ i like it.
[R]efrigerator says:
[R]efrigerator says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
but your paragraphing
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
first letters
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
do not have capital letters
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
even for new paragraphs.. no capital letters
[R]efrigerator says:
if only new paras got cap letters then its even weirderrr
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
[R]efrigerator says:
[R]efrigerator says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
"went to my grandmother's house .. . . . . . ."
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
i mean
[R]efrigerator says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
"went to my grandmothers"
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
sentences don't start like that!!!
[R]efrigerator says:
informal can!
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
you can't start sentences like that!!!
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
there's no subject!!!
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
there's no subject in that sentence!
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
that sentence is invalid!!!
[R]efrigerator says:
do you want me to put this conversation up onto the blog?
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
hahaha i don't mind!
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
and you use "coz"
[R]efrigerator says:
it looks nice
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
There's no such word in the dictionary!
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
[R]efrigerator says:
yes it is!
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
this is fun
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
=D [writer's note: WTH???]
[R]efrigerator says:
only the dictionary I have has it
[R]efrigerator says:
i can show you if you like
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
what is it. the jiayi dictionary?
[R]efrigerator says:
[R]efrigerator says:
the choojiayi dictionary
[R]efrigerator says:
exclusive only to choojiayi
[R]efrigerator says:
the unique
[R]efrigerator says:
the special
[R]efrigerator says:
the ONE
[R]efrigerator says:
referring to choojiayi not the dictionary
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
ahhahahahaha oh maaaannn
[R]efrigerator says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )( SERES says:
[R]efrigerator says:
[R]efrigerator says:
i'll show you!
writer's note: and till this day, i still refuse to start with capital letter at the start of a sentence, neither am i inclined to use BECAUSE instead of COZ. why? COZ i like it.
I realised something really really horrendous five seconds ago. So far this heidy-amanda joint blog have six entries in total
3: Choo Jia Yi (a random blog crasher who refuses to post in her own blog for stranger-than-alien reasons)
2(excluding this post): Heidy
1: Amanda
How can this be??? A guest-blogger contributing to this blog more than the "owners" of this blog. It doesn't help tat there're TWO "owners" of this blog either. Oh maaann... But hey, with this new post, I'm on par with JY.
Now that CNY holidays are over, I've got nothing to look forward for school anymore. Oh but wait! There's cross country and Orientation 2!!!!!!! Wheeeeeeee but then, after that I would have nothing to look forward to! Oh no!
I've got a headache now but I'm still whopping Shaun at Minesweeper Flags. Yeahhh I'm good =)
Something funny just happened when Jiayi was complaining about having to write Zuowen in class tomorrow:
[R]efrigerator says (22:46):
and we arent allowed to bring our zuowen homeee
[R]efrigerator says (22:46):
but at least michael is in my class
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )|( SERES says (22:48):
what's the link?
[R]efrigerator says (22:52):
coz then i wont have any pressure!
*Nods* Darn it, wish I had Michael in my chinese class too. =) Having Amanda in my class wouldn't be too bad either. Hehehe (Please don't kill me)
Okay, that's all. I need more holidays =>
3: Choo Jia Yi (a random blog crasher who refuses to post in her own blog for stranger-than-alien reasons)
2(excluding this post): Heidy
1: Amanda
How can this be??? A guest-blogger contributing to this blog more than the "owners" of this blog. It doesn't help tat there're TWO "owners" of this blog either. Oh maaann... But hey, with this new post, I'm on par with JY.
Now that CNY holidays are over, I've got nothing to look forward for school anymore. Oh but wait! There's cross country and Orientation 2!!!!!!! Wheeeeeeee but then, after that I would have nothing to look forward to! Oh no!
I've got a headache now but I'm still whopping Shaun at Minesweeper Flags. Yeahhh I'm good =)
Something funny just happened when Jiayi was complaining about having to write Zuowen in class tomorrow:
[R]efrigerator says (22:46):
and we arent allowed to bring our zuowen homeee
[R]efrigerator says (22:46):
but at least michael is in my class
¦ §aRd0nyX ¦ hei (= NEDI )|( SERES says (22:48):
what's the link?
[R]efrigerator says (22:52):
coz then i wont have any pressure!
*Nods* Darn it, wish I had Michael in my chinese class too. =) Having Amanda in my class wouldn't be too bad either. Hehehe (Please don't kill me)
Okay, that's all. I need more holidays =>
hi i'm jiayi. again. and back from malaysia. ain't you happy? and here to crash amanda and heidy's blog. again. i cant help it really. but the blog is already here all ready for me to blog in. so convenient. i shall say smth about my classmate called michelle chye. she always laughs like this "TEEHEEHEE" so one day i decided to teach her the manly way of laughing which is to open your mouth bigger and laugh. it makes the sound "HAW HAW HAW" instead of "TEEHEEHEE" so when you mix the 2 together it becomes "HEE HAW"! ^^
so i reached malaysia on tuesday at about 9pm and we went for dinner. the next day wasn't very eventful. really. except when i went downstairs and there was a table full of food like roast duck, chicken, fish, prawns, noodles, soup, wine, vegetables.... to offer to our ancestors i think. and my mother was standing by the food and fanning away the flies with a piece of magazine. so i was there looking at the food, deciding exactly which piece i was going to eat later and what i would do to the person who tries to eat my food, my mother handed me the magazine and walked away to sit down. and my face was like wth? i know because my cousin laughed at me): i had to stand there and look in agony at the food while chasing away the flies. so i took it out on the flies until they wouldnt come within 10 metres radius of me. this continued until they took away the food and put it on the dining table for us to eat. and i was stationed there again coz the flies all recognise me now.
had reunion dinner and the next day was chu yi. me being buddhist went to a buddhist temple. i like buddhist temples. its so modern sometimes. this one has aircon. it was SO hot that if the temple needed flames to light up their joss sticks, i can probably use my glasses to focus the intense sunlight onto a piece of money paper and start a fire. only i didn't wear my specs. but i'm sure my father would lend me his since its for a good cause. unless the fire went out of hand and cause massive amounts of fumes, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide to rise into the atmosphere, inducing the greenhouse effect and speeding up global warming. polar ice caps would then melt and all the continents would probably be covered by the sea and eventually result in world destruction. whoa.
went to my grandmother's house to take hong bao and then my mother said we're staying for dinner. yayy coz my grandmother cooks nice food. shucks coz the dinner turned out to be leftovers from the reunion dinner last night. i never thought that i'd be eating leftovers in malaysia as well): i swear its my fate. then my mother asked me to try liquor mixed with sprite. i tried and i liked it so i poured more liquor. it made me all warm and fuzzy inside. then i fell asleep on the chair until my mother woke me up to go home.
on chu 2, i watched STUFFS on my cousin's comp until 4am and woke up the next day at 1pm. and watched more STUFFS on my cousin's comp the next night until 4am and woke up at 6am to go home in the car. yay.
so i reached malaysia on tuesday at about 9pm and we went for dinner. the next day wasn't very eventful. really. except when i went downstairs and there was a table full of food like roast duck, chicken, fish, prawns, noodles, soup, wine, vegetables.... to offer to our ancestors i think. and my mother was standing by the food and fanning away the flies with a piece of magazine. so i was there looking at the food, deciding exactly which piece i was going to eat later and what i would do to the person who tries to eat my food, my mother handed me the magazine and walked away to sit down. and my face was like wth? i know because my cousin laughed at me): i had to stand there and look in agony at the food while chasing away the flies. so i took it out on the flies until they wouldnt come within 10 metres radius of me. this continued until they took away the food and put it on the dining table for us to eat. and i was stationed there again coz the flies all recognise me now.
had reunion dinner and the next day was chu yi. me being buddhist went to a buddhist temple. i like buddhist temples. its so modern sometimes. this one has aircon. it was SO hot that if the temple needed flames to light up their joss sticks, i can probably use my glasses to focus the intense sunlight onto a piece of money paper and start a fire. only i didn't wear my specs. but i'm sure my father would lend me his since its for a good cause. unless the fire went out of hand and cause massive amounts of fumes, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide to rise into the atmosphere, inducing the greenhouse effect and speeding up global warming. polar ice caps would then melt and all the continents would probably be covered by the sea and eventually result in world destruction. whoa.
went to my grandmother's house to take hong bao and then my mother said we're staying for dinner. yayy coz my grandmother cooks nice food. shucks coz the dinner turned out to be leftovers from the reunion dinner last night. i never thought that i'd be eating leftovers in malaysia as well): i swear its my fate. then my mother asked me to try liquor mixed with sprite. i tried and i liked it so i poured more liquor. it made me all warm and fuzzy inside. then i fell asleep on the chair until my mother woke me up to go home.
on chu 2, i watched STUFFS on my cousin's comp until 4am and woke up the next day at 1pm. and watched more STUFFS on my cousin's comp the next night until 4am and woke up at 6am to go home in the car. yay.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
I'm currently at Amanda's house, using Amanda's tablet while lying on Amanda's couch. Wheee... I'm a couch potato. Amanda's msn is on now. I feel a strong urge to talk to random people on her friends list and ruin whatever reputation she has. Hahaha. Just had an OG party to celebrate Eugene, Yibei and Qiaowen's birthdays at Amanda's house =) AWWWW I'm still the oldest in the group >< Even though Stacey, Chenyu and I reached Amanda's house pretty late (around 8 i think)... I still had fun. Yay I managed to eat two slices of pizza. We should really have a proper outing someday where EEEEEVVEEERRYYYOONNEEEEE can attend =D Oh and I still think Angel (amanda's doggie) is closer to me than Justin. I mean... DUH who wouldn't be =P I'm really thirsty now and the only thing I'm drinking at the moment is H2O. Angel's sleeping on the carpet below me, I hope I don't step on her.
Choo Jia Yi go get your google account soon! Hahahhahahah crashing other people's blog like that, you're horrible!
Amanda says:
--Amanda's current mood: sad. Because she was the one taking photos so she isn't in them--
Choo Jia Yi go get your google account soon! Hahahhahahah crashing other people's blog like that, you're horrible!
Amanda says:
--Amanda's current mood: sad. Because she was the one taking photos so she isn't in them--
hehehe... its me again! jiayi. seriously. i gotta type really fast now coz i'm leaving for Malaysia soon. time check:3.50pm i laughed so much today that i hardly breathed at all. julian had sharing time today again during our 20min break. i hope he does it every week. yummy. and during maths tutorial, me, him, michelle and gail were sitting at the back of the class. alex chew was sitting behind us and he looked so saddd... so i told the guy next to him to make him HAPPY >=) so that guy played his tennis racket like a guitar and started singing which only served to make alex more miserable than he already is.
and then julian started to sing together with him and another guy[i think] and THEN i started singing the enchanted That's How You Know song with him and the teacher already entered the class and started teaching! so she said can the ppl at the back stop singing and start doing maths??? HAHAHAHAHA!!! i thought it was damn funny. really. we were laughing like shit coz we were in serious shit. seriously.
and then our gp teacher wanted julian to sexually harrass a girl during class. and he said he was a mama's boy so he doesnt know how. and SOMEHOW[for some unknown reason] i had to try to sexually harrass him so i went "heyy sexayyyy. wanna come over tonight? ppl call you sexy but can i call you tonight?" wadever-.- but it was pretty interesting. really. even though we had homework to do and all. and the fact that i hate gp.
OH NO I HAVE TO GO NOW. shoots! >=)
and then julian started to sing together with him and another guy[i think] and THEN i started singing the enchanted That's How You Know song with him and the teacher already entered the class and started teaching! so she said can the ppl at the back stop singing and start doing maths??? HAHAHAHAHA!!! i thought it was damn funny. really. we were laughing like shit coz we were in serious shit. seriously.
and then our gp teacher wanted julian to sexually harrass a girl during class. and he said he was a mama's boy so he doesnt know how. and SOMEHOW[for some unknown reason] i had to try to sexually harrass him so i went "heyy sexayyyy. wanna come over tonight? ppl call you sexy but can i call you tonight?" wadever-.- but it was pretty interesting. really. even though we had homework to do and all. and the fact that i hate gp.
OH NO I HAVE TO GO NOW. shoots! >=)
Monday, February 4, 2008
Hello everyone. this is jiayi. yes. really. apparently i cant get into my own account because i failed to create a google account. who needs it anyway? i swear the whole world is collapsing into eternal darkness. WILL THERE EVER BE LIGHT?!! killing self now.
today... was darrell's birthday.... yippee. i'm really trying to be happy right now but i cant. boohoo. wth. i'm weird. but today was actually really fun! although i cant really remember why...
today... was darrell's birthday.... yippee. i'm really trying to be happy right now but i cant. boohoo. wth. i'm weird. but today was actually really fun! although i cant really remember why...
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