Monday, July 7, 2008

Intoxicated by paint ~

I really love holidays. Terms passed by really quickly and I got back some of my results... A,E,E,U. I can't make a word with these grades. Oh well. It'll just be AUEE for now.

First week of proper lessons just passed. Linyi says that I seem happier than last term. Me? Happier? Hmmmm maybe i've simply lost some of my sanity. SA6 is a pretty fun class. =D

Tonight, I'm in the poetic mood. I composed a grand total of THREE poems. 2 for Jasmine and 1 for Jiayi. Hahaha, and i'm not going to reveal them here just because I like to be secretive. =)

Tomorrow's the first day of nationals! Yay! I'm pretty excited to see the results. Training with everyone for the past 7 months have been really fun. Ahh, I really don't want this to end. All the best to everyone! Let's go AC!

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