Thursday, April 17, 2008


Whee surprise, me and amanda blogging on the same day even though we didn't discuss this or anything. This post shall be dedicated to my childhood friend and bestie for 14 years =DDD Others might want to skip this post because you might find it boring if you don't know the person i'm referring to. =)

Tan Sue Wei!! I just received a snail mail from you which crawled its way all the way from Australia!!! And she sent me a really belated birthday present along with a long long handwritten letter which was written over a few days. So much effort and sincerity was put into it! <3333 I got really really sad as I read the letter because it reminded me of how far away she is from me now. I used to be able to see her just by taking the lift two floors down!!! By the time I was done with the letter, I really wanted to talk to her so badly and I started crying. Those of you who knows me would know that I'm not the type to cry easily. And this time, TAN SUE WEI, I spilled my tears just for you =)))

Suewei!! Hang in there!! Even though it may be lonely over there, just think of all the friends you have here!! We'll be there for you and we would think of you just like the way you think of us all the time. Miss you loads ;_;

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