Thursday, April 17, 2008

Bugs & Buses

Today's journey home was like so:
Got off at the bus stop. Dug into my bag for ipod, looked up, one of the two buses i cld take coming. thought it was stopping, so didn't stick up hand to wave. it didn't stop. then slightly further down from the bus stop, it stopped to let ppl off. so i quickly walked over and tapped on the door, then it drove off. Granted the bus driver prob didn know i was there coz there were so many people blocking the door.So i walked back to the bus stop in humiliation and defeat. This time i stood at the bus stop and waited, then looked down to switch on my ipod. and when i looked up, lo and behold, 75 was going by. whee. wts. so i thought i would have to wait very long so i decided to walk to the next bus stop where i had many more buses. and just when i arrived, a 75 just arrived! meaning i didn't have to walk. Great.
Oh, journey to school this morn, haha. missed 75 cause my neighbour and i were talking. so we had to get on the next bus and then catch up with 75, get off and hop onto it for one stop just to change bus again. whee.

Hm, due to time constraint i haven't been blogging, plus there are many issues i don't feel are suitable to be posted on the big wide net. I guess i wld recommend not coming here often, say once a month, since as you can see, neither heidy nor i are avid bloggers.

Oh, today when i walked angel behind the tennis court, a whole host of mosquitoes descended upon me to devour me. It's like i felt one, so i slapped at it, and the next thing u know there were tons of mosquitoes. In like the 2 seconds i was there, i sustained 5 bites. That many mosquitoes actually looked kinda scary. And last night there was a praying mantis on my hair! I was at home sitting at the dining table, I really dont know how it came to be there.

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