Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Things haven't been going too well lately since Sunday. My time trial was really bad. Really really bad. I won't come up with any excuses for it. I simply suck =( To lift our spirits up, me and Jasmine went to Coronation hoping to get some bubble tea. But it was closed =( Then I waited really long for the bus. =( Then I got dragged out to Toa Payoh to see some home designer company cuz' we're gonna renovate the house. I was nodding off throughout the talk until I couldn't take it anymore and wandered off by myself =( Never got to eat lunch until 4pm =( Didn't get to do much homework =(

Argh. PW sucks. We're redoing our GPP. Can't think of anyone to do on. I don't want to think anymore =/

This is getting depressing I shall stop.

should i pon sch on friday? shld? i shld i? but then again, no point asking cuz i wouldn't be allowed to. Sighx.

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