Saturday, July 4, 2009


Haha, did I say I was "troubled" thinking about the significance of relationships? Lol. I haven't been thinking about it so I am officially no longer troubled then! Was just a phase of thought.

Oooh, I just realised I have a post titled "Low" in nov of last year, whatta coincidence eh? Haha. (Inside joke)

Btw, bio students, don't you think X-gal sounds like some kinda super hero! Like a part of X-men or sth! Eq is convinced he knows all about it, and said sth like...... the ring thing who doesnt know? He was actually referring to petri dishes ._.

I realize that this post might not make sense to people. Oh nose. I'm sorry. Haha. Btw, sth totally unrelated is: Goodness I sleep so late! Looking at all my blogging times, a lot of them are after midnight. Tsk. Michael Lo, I dont know if you read this, but looks like my 11.30pm goal wasn't very successful huh.

Whee, I am high! But frustrated with the with-holder of certain desirable information! Hhah. You know who! I have a looking foward to something feeling. But I'm not really sure what about. Hm....... I hope I actually do have sth to look foward to otherwise I'll just be disappointed coz I was looking foward to nothing.

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