Tuesday, July 28, 2009


To my dearest Choo,

Where would i be without you? For it surely must be fate that led us to have the same surnames, be in the same secondary school and JC, to be in the same CCA and partners and to be put in the same class in JC. Those were really happy times (and more to come!). I hope that you're the happiest person in the world today even without BB because you have Chee, Tai, Chow and ME (of course)! yesterday was really fun and stress relieving, aren't you touched that we skipped maths lecture all because we went out with you, choo? tsktsk, what naughty kids we are, so unbecoming of us. awww i really want to eat tai li lin's chocolate why she never make for me ): anyway, make sure you use our present daily and soon a certain someone will be detached from his bonds and come flying over to you to bind to your receptor proteins because you are a much stronger ligand thus will displace the other ion due to the shining rays of your ever-so-blinding beauty. He Whom I Shall not Name shall fawn at your foot and you shall take him in in your gentle arms(though he is younger than you but yes, let him fawn).
lastly, all the best for your prelims and A levels!


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