Sunday, October 31, 2010

Good ol School

I went back to JC ytd for fun, to study. Haha. And thenn I used the canteen toilet where "The Incident" occurred. And it's the dirtiest stinkiest toilet in schooool. Why that one and not the cleaner toilets. Haha. I also realized I've started to forget the names of the blocks and stuff. It takes a while to recall the concourse, and I forgot the STI and Oldham Wing. Lol. I miss school.

A black cat crossed my path just now while in the car, and on Halloween too! Gasp. Haha. I first learnt that black cats crossing your path are bad omens to some people from Archie comics, along with breaking a mirror and walking under a ladder.

Today was the second time we went for the Chinese Service. The first time was coz we were kinda late and the chinese service starts 15 mins later (:
Today was because we wanted to listen to a particular pastor preach in chinese, just out of curiosity. Turns out he spoke in english and there was a translator! Haha.

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