Monday, September 1, 2008

Before I became a blog owner( or a co-blog owner as lukas keeps telling me it's not my blog simply because i SHARE it, gee), I was unable to understand why they posted so infrequently, and when they did, it was often vague. But now I totally understand, I guess there's no better way to fully comprehend something than going through the actual experience itself. Which might also be why God allows suffering in our life, so we can comfort fellow sufferers around us! whee.

On thu hung out in school to do work with heidy, then luke joined us afterwards. Haha, heidy was fun cause we haven't been hanging much. It was very productive indeed.
On Fri had pw meeting and michael came over first to play drums. ah, wouldn't it be nice if i played like him. All the best for your exam tuesday!
On sat, went kap after co and the peeps insisted i took drugs or sth. apparently im wackier after co, which i doubt, I dont really see any connection. I did laugh a bit. And say that A for Amanda was also A for axcellent and axceptional. shrug.

I spent the whole of today reading a so-so storybook. I realized that a book doesn't have to be really great to get me hooked on it. It's only after it ends and when I think back, that I realize heyyyy, the book wasn't that good after all.

Oh and one more addition to the "Complete idiot's guide to heidy".
She gets a uber bad headache when her long fringe obscures her vision and irritates her. Lol.

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