Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Typical Ah Lian Post

ellozxzx!! todae miie went to skool. den iie meet my fwens. they veri nicexz to miie worr(: skool beri boring one lehz. iie totally hate skool. teachers ar beri nice but some scared miie haf to death. mak miie dun wannazx go skool lehh. but canot, still must go.

i canot reallyzxz remember wad i did todae coz it was so boring. anywae, todae my fwen mak a joke and iie was laughin lyk hell. coz beri funni=D dam sian diao! hehe.

some pp lyk euux iie lyk! iie went runnin todae den hor iie got stomachahe hafway. beri pain. so iie skip one period of lesson to go toilet. coz too painful. den iie go lessons late. heng teacher never scold miie. i lyk teachers lyk dat.

den i met some fwens and den we jiu go study le. parents cook da food beri nice, alwaes got long Q de worr. dis iishx sho irritatin! iie wish iie can jux get food quickly. den i dun haf to w8 so long. coz iie lyk their food alort. hehe.

den we jiu go back to study le. we study alort de leh. study until moiie brains kana almost burst! den we jiu study until 10pm. beri late alr den security guard cum and off lights. we jiu haf to go out le. iie walk home in the dark.

iie beri tired todae. its a long dae. tomolo got bio mock, dam sian diao larhs! iie going study liaoz. goodnite everybody!

A.N. i've been reading lots of ah lian blogs lately purely for self-entertainment. and it really is entertaining! do try it sometimes and see what's going on in their lives=D as such, i've dedicated this post to all ah lians out there! you guys really crack me up!


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Stand up

Alright, arrived some seconds too late at school and had to stand outside the hall (with Shun and Eq) for almost half an hour. Had a brief hiatus from standing that lasted less than a minute before I was standing. Again. For over an hour cause I didn't bring my Chinese book. 10 people brought and 7 didn't. Lol. The teacher gave us chances to sit down by asking questions periodically, but because of my um.... great proficiency in the Chinese language it wasn't particularly useful. I must say it was the first time I've been so awake during 1h2omins Chinese lesson. She also called me 恩爱, lol, that's not my name.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Out of Titles

Mm, soo today went for lunch for Eq's birthday with the section. And then during co, Ken and I played the slapping hand thing. Both our hands turned uber red, lol. And my left hand blood vessels burst or sth, coz like 4 hrs later it still looks weird, speckled or sth. Alright, it was kinda fun in comparison to practice.

To my friend knocked out with food poisoning, get well soon! whee.

Just watched Hugh Jackman on punk'd, ahhh, his expression is priceless, lol.

Congrats to J. Cho on vice-captaincy!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Inner Ghosts

The air was chilly and the ground was wet. At 11pm, a girl was found walking alone on her way back home. She had missed her busstop while she was distracted by the "1 New Message" beeping of her phone. Cursing silently, she started to drag her weary legs down the path. A new beeping sound signalled a new incoming message. She opened it and read, 'Remember that horror show? Be careful!' Immediately, shivers ran down her spine and she cursed the sender of that mail with every colourful language possible in the dictionary.

Suddenly, everything became eery. The orange glow of the streetlamps seemed to cast dubious shadows on the ground. While the temperature seemed to fall ten folds. Feeling slightly scared, the girl immediately put on her earphones and blasted music in her ears. This seemed to help but it did not fully cast away the fear in her.

Upon reaching the lobby of her house, the girl spotted a shadow. It was as though cold holds gripped her heart as she felt her hairs stand. Taking a closer look, she could see a figure of a man. Random thoughts started to run through her mind, "Is he a neighbour? A trespasser? Or maybe a ghost?" Taking bigger steps, she quickly entered her lift and started jabbing the 'close' button.

Just as the door started to close, the man appeared in front of the lift. Though startled, the girl kept her composure, at least on the exterior, and opened the lift doors to prevent it from slamming into the man. The old man gave a soft smile and quietly pressed "floor 6" and stood in the far corner of the lift.

The girl left the lift first and heaved a sigh of relief. With a few more steps, she would be safely back home.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Before I became a blog owner( or a co-blog owner as lukas keeps telling me it's not my blog simply because i SHARE it, gee), I was unable to understand why they posted so infrequently, and when they did, it was often vague. But now I totally understand, I guess there's no better way to fully comprehend something than going through the actual experience itself. Which might also be why God allows suffering in our life, so we can comfort fellow sufferers around us! whee.

On thu hung out in school to do work with heidy, then luke joined us afterwards. Haha, heidy was fun cause we haven't been hanging much. It was very productive indeed.
On Fri had pw meeting and michael came over first to play drums. ah, wouldn't it be nice if i played like him. All the best for your exam tuesday!
On sat, went kap after co and the peeps insisted i took drugs or sth. apparently im wackier after co, which i doubt, I dont really see any connection. I did laugh a bit. And say that A for Amanda was also A for axcellent and axceptional. shrug.

I spent the whole of today reading a so-so storybook. I realized that a book doesn't have to be really great to get me hooked on it. It's only after it ends and when I think back, that I realize heyyyy, the book wasn't that good after all.

Oh and one more addition to the "Complete idiot's guide to heidy".
She gets a uber bad headache when her long fringe obscures her vision and irritates her. Lol.