Saturday, August 22, 2009


Love triangles suck. Because even if 2 people are happy the last one is frigging sad! I feel so sad when I watch korean movies because I see both guys or both girls so sad over the one guy/girl! Then I dunno who to side with! And then I hate the way they totally walk by each other but don't see each other, like so close but yet so far! Korean movies make everyone sadd and feel like crying o; So why then do I occasionally watch them? Romantic or sadist?

Friday, August 21, 2009


Hii. Todayy I shall talk about weakness. Everyone has a weakness, achille's heel, or wtv you call it, for something or be it someone. And then we try to resist it buttt cozz we're only humans we have a tendency to succumb to it. Like I was reading Time magazine and it said that will power gets weaker the more you use it. And I think that's very true. Sooo we can't do it alone! We outta ask God for strength to do things that we alone can't do. Also for our own part we should try to avoid putting ourselves in a position where we will have to resist. You guys have probably heard this or sth similar before but hope it helps still!

Press on for prelims and A levels guys! Don't spare the effort and then regret it later. Don't give in to the urge to do other stuff! Too often that is. haha. We've gotta have breaks right??

International Standard Version
No temptation has overtaken you that is unusual for human beings. But God is faithful, and he will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength. Instead, along with the temptation he will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to endure it. 1 Corinthians 10:13

See, with God we can! He's totally telling us! (:

Ladeeda, I believe it was yesterday that I went into the master bedroom and locked the door to change. And just as I was finishing my bro came out from the adjoining toilet -.-

Nothing happened but it's really kinda lol.

Oh dots, Yeong Chuan is a weirdo! Haha. He was telling me about how he was walking through a quiet terracy kinda neighbourhood. And I guess he got lonely or sth, and instead of talking to himself like a normal person(haha) he decided to bark!?! And then all the doggies there barked back. Haha. Guess they speak the same language :p

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Hellooo peeps! I bet everyone is busy studying for prelims. But the fact that you're here probably means you're looking for some reprieve. So watch these!

1. a)
I likee (:


2 a).
- After Michael Jackson died everyone sorta went on a michael jackson frenzy. I guess it all shows we never appreciate people while they're alive! Right right? So I found the video kinda amusing cause their dancing is sorta like slow mo compared with mj himself and really random(in the middle of a wedding reception).

- From Michael ACYH. ehhh cheee, I just realized we have 3 of the same initials!! In the same order! Anyway, the song is great (: And I love the wedding (:

-Introduced by the dead co-blog owner, Tang.

Right, hope you found something to suit your tastes and are now ready to hit the books again!