Sunday, March 8, 2009

Magnetic Watches Kick Ass.

I don't like to feel silly. Most people don't too, or maybe they don't mind. But anyway that's not the point. I was wearing my expensive watch ($3.95 fr Toys 'R' Us!) thingy today, and it's magnetic. And so, I was talkin to someone and walking along, when i brushed my hair outta my face. and my hand got stuck! Haha, I paused and thought okkkkk, this is gay why is my hand stuck stupidly to my ear? My initial thought(after this looks stupid) was that my Baby G with the spoilt buckle caught on my earrings. And then I realized it was cause my earrings are metal! -_-

I had a good day today, pleasant and enjoyable. Whee. Feeling happyyy (: