Sunday, November 23, 2008

Spirito concert

Thank you friends that came down (:
Appreciate the flowers and the time (: (:
First time I had so many people come to support me for anything, first time i received more than a single flower at one go(I like flowers, whee) and first concert.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I know I haven't posted in a while. But the reason is that I didn't wanna post after Jia Yi's funny post! haha. Anything after that would just seem boring. And then there were times i wanted to emo, but thought that no one would wanna read emo-ing, lol. Anyway, it's my blog so I can do what i want! er shared with hei that is.
Anyway, I was doing the facebook "Compare People" thing, where they ask u a qu and compare 2 people. The question was "Who has a better hairstyle?". So one friend and then this other guy who was bald! lol.
And another question was who would you rather marry?
Marcus LOW Vs. Stranger
I chose the stranger!

Below is a clippet of the very intelligent and witty( after all, it's me we're talking about here) conversation I had with Marcus loW.
marcus says:
sconers suck!
marcus says:
§¤*°I'm ÅmAnDå from SiLlY LåNd°*¤§♥ God sees the heart, not the talent or skill. says:
smarcus sucks!
§¤*°I'm ÅmAnDå from SiLlY LåNd°*¤§♥ God sees the heart, not the talent or skill. says:

Sorry if this is below expectations, but I don't want pressureee, don't pressure mee. Jia Yi knows she's welcome to post here so you have to sit tight if you want her to post.