Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Okay… what should I start off with. Firstly, I noticed that Amanda failed to explain what this was all about and dived straight into her life story without mentioning who she was :P Then again, practically nobody knows about this joint blog thing so I guess it doesn’t really matter yeah? So… joint blog with Amanda! Whoopee. Thanks to Manda for all the efforts spent on creating this blog because I didn’t do anything at all. The least I can do is prevent this blog from dying =D

Yesterday, I woke up at 5am (zomg!) for the Canoeing marathon at Kallang. Everything was going smoothly for the first round and all the action happened metres before the finishing line. In the corner of Jiayi’s eyes, she spotted a competitor amongst all the various boats around us. (I didn’t notice them ><) As they pulled ahead, Jiayi went “Do you see what I see?” And there they were! No.120! Right in front of us. ZOOMMGG… We tried to overtake them but somehow various obstacles arose one after another. First we got blocked by another boat and when we finally pulled away, a K1/T1 ( I saw a K1 but JY saw a T1 ._.) guy came really close to us. His paddle whacked JY’s cap upwards and sent it flying. Technically it’s actually my cap because we exchanged it for the race (mine’s too be for me). Luckily she (accidentally) somehow tied the cap to her ponytail and so it was hanging off the back of her head as we passed the finishing line. It was pretty funny, I couldn’t help but laugh a little whenever I looked at the cap. Then I would shout “FOCUS!!” partially for myself and JY as well. We came in second for our event. Thanks to everyone who came down to help, fellow J1 ones… Jane and YIPING! Though everyone was probably bored to death? As for Amanda… err… thanks for making me sleep later than I planned to on Saturday night and the “goodluck”. Heh. =) Nothing much happened today except I should’ve just ponned school. My energy was drained out and it was sucking any remaining energy I had left just to keep awake. So basically, I didn’t learn anything in school today. In addition, I started getting that lack-of-sleep migraine thing. I love my sleep. I can finally understand how Wan Mei feels about sleep now. At 11.30 or something, I went to the sickbay, smsed Amanda for abit then fell asleep. Woke up at 1.30, dragged myself home and slept somemore. Now, I shall go attempt to do some work. Arghh. I couldn’t post this up yesterday cuz blogspot hates me not because I’m a noob unlike what Justin believes. -heidy

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Today I fell asleep on the bus home from school, and bashed my poor head against the seat in front! Luckily I wasn't wearing glasses or my glasses would prob have cracked and the shards scratch my eyes ._.

I asked my music sch boss lady if she wld let me borrow their drumset for practice. She said 7 bucks an hr... So I now say I'll pay michelle 1 buck an hr and claire will pay me 1 buck per hr! Yes claire! I know! hahha